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Better than I expected

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 2:43 pm
by legoboyvdlp
I have at least CENSORED (cause they are apparently supposed to be private, according to stuart a fouple of months ago) warnings on the Curtis forums. It is a number between 4 and 10.

Anyway, I sort of expected a warning for posting IAHM'S ''personal attack'' on Lydiot explanation why nobody is working on the navaids and fixes.

Well, I did get a warning, (in fact another one, for replying to a spam message, in a sarcastic way. Apparently it makes their job harder, which is fine enough).
I apologized via PM, (well, not much to apologize for, but I may as well), and instead of
'Go away bad dawg'
No problem, apology accepted.

Well, if you stay 'the right side of the law' over there, it is all rosy, but...

Slightky better response than I expected.

Not that that was a personal attack, anyway, because, yeah, uh, calling someone an idiot (well, maybe simbambim has some blame, but...) is perfectly acceptable behaviour in society today! Isn't it?

Re: Better than I expected

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 10:51 pm
Sorry, man, that you have to deal with their law enforcement.

Re: Better than I expected

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 1:35 pm
by legoboyvdlp
8:40 AM: I make a post explaining to Foxtrot how to download .zips from FGMEMBERS, since he was struggling with commandlines and FGADDON. I explain the negatives (banned member hosting it, (as if that would make any difference :roll:) no support (by Mr Renk only), unofficialness (supposedly), and such things.
9:03 AM: Trumpets and drums. It has dissapeared. :roll: :evil: :o :shock: :x :x :x

Re: Better than I expected

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 3:38 pm
Just send him a PM too

Re: Better than I expected

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 5:03 pm
by legoboyvdlp
I'd prefer not to... he 'doesn't want to go against unwritten rules', and anyway, you were blamed for sending PMS to certain people, inviting them...
My freinemy, bugman, calls FGMEMBERS 'attempted subversion of the official infrastructure '. I'd love to correct that... better not.

Re: Better than I expected

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 5:35 pm
I totally know their propaganda piece.
Nothing has ever been done to damage or risk the ADDon in SVN.

The fact that I invite them to migrate to a much better system, is, by no means, unfortunate.
It was just kind of me.

They don't like it. And that's all.

For people that don't want to use FGMEMBERS. Not a prob. It's a great resource. It is convenient and ease. It is fun to use. But no one forces anyone to get planes from here. (Maybe, there is an implicit "you are forced to get" the planes for there, but oh god, no one can save the slaves of the mind)

Re: Better than I expected

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 6:04 pm
BTW, lego
I just pushed the SVN updates till the last commit 1298
(the merges occurred overnight locally)
FGDATA with submodules is now updated.

Re: Better than I expected

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 7:14 pm
by legoboyvdlp
I wonder... did Gijs get the CDU into the 744 yet?!
Can't wait to find out!
Thanks :)