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FlightGear Developers Wanted

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 9:11 pm
by SkyBoat
IDG needs aircraft developers!

It0uchpods and I are putting out the call for developers to join the it0uchpods Design Group development team.

We are in the process of developing two aircraft lines (passenger jetliners only, currently) to the “Study Level.” Aircraft at this advanced level are as close to real life as we can get: you must read the operation manual, all switches work as in real life, has the capability to execute both normal and abnormal procedures, has full FMC (MCDU), functioning flight computers that talk to each other, capability to use SIDs/STARs and VNAV.

That’s a lot--we need developers who can build these functions into the aircraft as well as all other aspects of plane development. See the list below.

What we are looking for: Meet our Developer Requirements, and bring a thirst for helping design the very best FlightGear planes!

Developer Requirements:

    Knowledge of Nasal/Canvas
    Knowledge of JSBsim
    Knowledge of GPL V2 license

Optional Skills Desired:

    Aerodynamics design
    Implementation of wind tunnel data into aerodynamic design

IDG Group is committed to raising the bar on FlightGear aircraft development, so that entering one of our flight decks is the next best thing to being real.

If you think you are up to the challenge—and want to work with a dynamic team, send a PM to it0uchpods explaining how you meet the requirements and what areas of aircraft development are your preferred and/or favorite.


Re: FlightGear Developers Wanted

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2018 2:13 pm
by hans05
Damn, I would so much like to support, but I am lacking ALL of the requirements :oops:

If I could to testing?!?

Re: FlightGear Developers Wanted

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2018 2:24 pm
by bomber

When someone says they can test, their 'merit points' nose dive.

Re: FlightGear Developers Wanted

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2018 2:30 pm
by hans05
I can also make decent coffee and my tea is not bad either. I refuse to clean toilets though, I have enough diapers to change already due to my kids!

Re: FlightGear Developers Wanted

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2018 8:24 pm
I think test and beta-users in Software development are a critical component wheel of the whole clockwork.

Re: FlightGear Developers Wanted

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2018 10:07 pm
by bomber
Yeh, but I've not seen anyone do any testing and produce results of that test....

" oh I flew your plane and it flys really well\badly "

Is not a test, but instead someone getting their hands on something pre-release.

If people who actually say all I can do is test, actually did research the plane to be tested, produced a test schedule, that is both generic and specific to that plane.

And then tested the plane....

We'd see better development feedback and as a result better planes.

Re: FlightGear Developers Wanted

Posted: Thu May 03, 2018 2:52 pm
by swamp
Hello, I think someone from around here did the L-188. I helped Skyboat with some engine work on it a while back. I was wondering if there was any consideration in doing the P-3 Orion which was based on the L-188? I would be willing to help in any way I can.

Re: FlightGear Developers Wanted

Posted: Tue May 08, 2018 8:10 pm
by SkyBoat
IMHO, good sim-plane flight testing is a cooperative effort between the developer and the tester.

In developing the MD-11 and MD-10, it0uchpods and I have developed a set of procedures that gives him the feedback he is looking for. Several others testing IDG aircraft are using the same process, so this is not unique to us.

    1. The developer gives a list of things that need to be tested to the flight test pilot.
    2. They talk over what the purpose of the test is, what indicates both positive and negative factors for the issues on the list (If this happens, that means it is working right, if that happens it means it isn't).
    3. They agree on the parameters of the flight test (distance, altitude, weather conditions, etc)
    4. The flight test is made and the pilot takes notes on the performance of the aircraft based on what the developer is looking for (for example, FDM, performance, avionics, navigation, take-off, landing, taxiing, etc)
    5. Pilot writes a report on the test flight to the developer. This should be concise and address specifically what was being tested.

Sometimes the things I am asked to look for are are major factors in flyability, other times it may be one thing that needs to be tweaked. It is not unusual for us to test the same thing several times in a row, like making sure the descent during on the glide slope is as accurate as possible.

In the end, it is the responsibility of the developer to communicate to the tester what issues need to be tested and what the outcome is supposed to be. Just giving someone a plane that is partly done to test with no guidelines what to look for is not a test flight, it is a joyride that probably will be of minimum value to both. IMHO, of course.

Re: FlightGear Developers Wanted

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2019 1:24 pm
by Octal450
btw - since there as no conclusion - nobody seemed to care, and those who did went away fast.
Now we just have our discord testers

so IDG is no longer looking for anyone