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Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 3:41 pm
by bomber
What are you talking about ya muppet.... I already moved this to another thread !

I understand doing 3d very much, I understand the hours it takes to make a 3d model internal and external...


you want to spend hundreds of hours on the 3d models but only a couple on flight model... get a grip !

How about giving the flight modelers some respect and understanding that we're entitled to the same development hours as you are doing the 3d.

I tell ya what, why don't you put your spare time where your mouth is ?

Produce a YAsim flight model of the beagle pup, I'll send you all the data that I've used for mine on the understanding that you return any new data that you use, so as we all have a level playing field..

You might learn something.


Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 4:01 pm
by LesterBoffo
Someone here is missing the vibrant repartee they used to have with Stiglr, but you know...

...Not my circus, not my monkeys.

Enjoy your stew.


Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 5:12 pm
by bomber
You're seriously trying to goad me in your own topic ?

I was already an old lag in Targetware when you turned up with your first 3d model, battling against an establishment that said you couldn't do this or that or the other.

In the 10 years I've know you around in one forum or the other you've always played the yes man, never once have you stood up against a perceived injustice... that's your monkey, your circus.

In Targetware we had teams of developers interested in creating content... T4T at it's height had 20 people working on content in a colaboration to create content, scenarios, manuals special effects and terrain.... There's nothing like that in Flightgear and whilst people like Thorsten are tacitly supported by those that keep their heads down and just say 'yes sir three bags full sir' it never will have.

I wasn't the baddy over at Targetware, and when it crashed and burned I attempted to bring them to Flightgear yet and of the three people I know of that are still in the genre mossie and I are both working in Outerra.

I've asked for your participation with the beagle experiment I can't be fairer than agree to Richards suggestion of a like for like comparison, and thought that you might also want to join in.

But if you don't.... you don't

but do try and keep up.


Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 5:23 pm
by LesterBoffo

Re: DFW-CV Did you miss me?

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 1:40 am
by LesterBoffo
DFW in the sim and basic FDM..

