Talking Airfoils

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Re: Talking Airfoils

Postby bomber » Sun May 29, 2016 8:24 am

OK. ... we all have to manage our time.

But I don't see how your time management effects me in explaining different fdm modelling techniques.

Unless you're say.... 'well that method quadruples my workload and I don't have the time, whereas doing it a different way I can achieve all the fdm upgrades I want to do'

And that is your choice...

But maybe I'm looking for people who do have the time, the desire to do things slightly differently.

I'm a professional 3d modeler, but I don't do 3d in FG....
Why because flight sImming is a hobby and doing my day job in my hobby would be plain daft. But more importantly I do flight models because the present quality isn't high enough compared to other parts of the sim.

I could knock out planes in a fraction of the time of other people.... but what's the point if the fdm is just a generic marshmallow ride ?

I suppose I could bask in the appreciative WTG's I'd get when people see my model... but I think that's a bit shallow.

My goal is a team of fdm'ers, they don't have to be doing fdm's in my style, but we do have to talking and sharing ideas and techniques. ... helping out each other where needed.

Talking flight modelling without it turning into a dick measuring contest, being deliberately ignored, or another person having their nose put out when questioned as it does over on FG forum is a start.

Please don't take what I'm saying the wrong way... I'm not trying to take chunks out of ya.
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Re: Talking Airfoils

Postby jwocky » Sun May 29, 2016 8:40 am

1.) to make the point clear: You can do what you want, I do what I can. It is not bad will or the attempt to stop you from anything. This whole thing started actually with some yearning on my end to find more time to do things on that detail level. And that is not limited ot the FDM.

2.) I actually admire your work. However, due to my time limitations, that is all I can do at the moment. To do things different, in another way, can be a great thing, however, there is no need to jump me as some kind of "FDM reactionary" only because I mentioned, I lack currently the time and even if I would have more time, I would be hard pressed to decide which planes from my list I work first and how much time I can invest per plane. Especially since I don't do FDMs exclusively.

3.) I am happy, you do, what I can't do due to time restrictions. Because if I come to the point to have more time again, it also allows me to work on some other things aside of FDMs. You are right, many FDMs in FG suck ... but then, so do fuel systems, electrical systems, parts of our instrumentation ...the mechanisms of transferring MP data are insufficient, the subject of APs is a never-ending story, flight-hour tracking on user base (to finally bring fours from the same user and different callsigns together) is still non-existent. And then there is gears ... oh my ... gears. I mean, it is so nice, that the 737-800 has a really authentic gear. Alas, many airports in FG have invisible non-authentic holes on the taxi- and runways and she flips over. So ... don't judge ans some kind of "don't want", only because I am also thinking about other parts of FG.
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