2 in one mp events

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Re: 2 in one mp events

Postby Wecsje » Sun Mar 25, 2018 10:16 am


Make up your mind!

One day you are all about being realistic, and ask for tips, and tell people you are jealous of how well they fly. Then the next day you don't give a shit and insult everyone that flies realisticly.

Then you make your so called "mp events", and you say you wanna do realistic flights, etc... with proper flightplans, but then you complain again when someone tells you something is wrong...

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Re: 2 in one mp events

Postby PavlinS » Sun Mar 25, 2018 7:51 pm

Wecsje wrote:@pavlin

Make up your mind!

One day you are all about being realistic and ask for tips, and tell people you are jealous of how well they fly. Then the next day you don't give a shit and insult everyone that flies realistically.

Then you make your so-called "mp events", and you say you wanna do realistic flights, etc... with proper flight plans, but then you complain again when someone tells you something is wrong...


This is not real, it's a simulator. I do not want to be realistic anymore. If someone wants to use a 777 on a 3 hours flight I do not care. OMDB-VRMM is performed by 777-300ER of UAE. This is not realism by your criteria. I was want to make something different - to put the plane on 38000 feet in order to get 37000 feet. I put it on 37000 feet and it was on 36000 feet. You do not get it, my dear. I know your name, I knew you wrote those comment on my stream of the pound event. You lied afterward because you are coward. Now you tell me what should I do on the altitude measurement. Have you ever occurred to you I deliberately want it that way? Or you think I am so stupid that I do not know how to use CRZ ALT depending on the direction of my flight?
You are VATSIM member. You are not interested in FG anymore. I do not understand why you are making remarks about my flights? Why do you care? What happened with " I quid FG".

You are just a person who wants to make me feel bad. So I will start to answer your aggression with remarks of your behavior. U are just too uptight. Get yourself a vacation, because your behavior is on a person who is too serious to be true.

Are not you have other things to make remarks on them?

Thx for your interest in my so-called events. I do not care for your opinion anymore. You are just another bully that used to be in my life. Now you are blocked everywhere and I am insanely happy that people are interested in my topics and events.

Goodbye, Charlie.

Hope someday you realize you're childish behavior and again start flying in FGMP. This will be good for this simulator community- to see one great pilot coming back in your community.

But I think this will never happen. Because you are so proud and self-centered that you will ruin yourself someday.
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Re: 2 in one mp events

Postby Wecsje » Sun Mar 25, 2018 7:57 pm

O, don't worry, you'll not see me on FGMP (or FG) ever again.

However, I still don't understand what you want with all those altitudes, if you set it to FL370, you will be on FL370. Remember to switch to std qnh/altimeter when you cross the trans altitude.

Twitch Streams: https://www.twitch.tv/wecsjelive
Contact methods: Discord (Wecsje#6351), FlightSims United discord (https://discord.me/flightsimsunited), Steam (Wecsje)
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Re: 2 in one mp events

Postby PavlinS » Sun Mar 25, 2018 9:20 pm

Wecsje wrote:O, don't worry, you'll not see me on FGMP (or FG) ever again.

However, I still don't understand what you want with all those altitudes, if you set it to FL370, you will be on FL370. Remember to switch to std qnh/altimeter when you cross the trans altitude.


If you were watching yesterday you would know I know all of that stuff. I just wanna do it that way.
PavlinS is doing youtube! Watch him here:


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